Wednesday 14 September 2016

Internet Technology Network Basics

So what are
Network Architecture???

configuration of computers,devices, and media on a  network

A communication device that provides a central point for cables in a network
   There are 2 types of network architecture:

 * Peer to Peer Network
     * Client / Server Network
We are decided to choose client/server network because it is suitable for our planning project,which is the place are at our cubicle our lecturer room in Selangor matriculation .

Client / Server Network in which one or more computers act as a server, and the other computer on the network (clients) request services from the server

Advantages for using this architecture

It works with any size of networks and does not tend to slow down with heavy use.
Security is more advanced than a peer-to-peer network, you can have passwords to own
individual profiles so that nobody can access anything when they want.

For Network Topology 

we are deciding to choose  Star Network

Which is  uses a central device(hub, switch) where all the nodes are connected to it using cables

In star topology, all data that transfer from one node to another passes through the hub or switch until it reaches the destination node.
Switch: Takes a signal from the sender and passes the message straight to the recipient.

  • Adding or removing a node does not affect the rest of the star network.

  • Failure of one node usually does not affect the rest of the star network.  

And Lastly , for our Classification of Network

We are decided to choose Local Area Network (LAN) 

 BECAUSE a network that connects computers and devices in a limited geographical area such as a home, school computer laboratory, office building   

#Allow users on the network to share resources, such as printers, large hard drives, data, programs, in a limited geographical area.
#Reduce cost because the hardware can be shared

# IT is limited

#Exposed to viruses and unauthorized access when we are share a data
We are believe that our project are exactly same like what we have seen in the cubicle. Surely ,it is same like what on the real .

So ,that are our last looked for the network model .May you like it .

to people who are help us ,and thank you to our sm3k3t3 science computer lecturer's Madam Siew Moi

Friday 26 August 2016

Reasons Why I Should Take Computer Science

1. The Digital Age Needs Computer Scientists

Like it or not you're living in it – this is the Digital Age. Computer programmes have all but infiltrated every aspect of our lives. Computer scientists theorise, design, develop, and apply the software and hardware for the programmes we use day in day out – sounds pretty important to us.

2. Computer Science Students Have Excellent Graduate Prospects 

Check out our Computer Science subject table, look down the Graduate Prospects column and you'll notice that computer science students stand a pretty good chance of being professionally employed or in further study within 6 months of leaving uni. And that chance is strengthened if you go to one of the UK's best unis for the subject – the top 10 average aGraduate Prospects score of 93.6%.

3. Computer Scientists Earn Big Bucks

Computer scientists are in demand and their salaries reflects this. Recent graduates in professional roles earn on average £23,144 a year. Compared to other subjects that's fairly substantial – just take a look at 
According to, systems developers in senior management roles earn between £45,000 and £70,000 a year.

4. Computer Scientists Are Needed in Every Type of Industry

Every industry uses computers so naturally computer scientists can work in any. Problems in science, engineering, health care, and so many other areas can be solved by computers. It's up to the computer scientist to figure out how, and design the software to apply the solution. 

5. Internationally Diverse Cohort

Computer science departments at typically benefit from having one of the more culturally diverse cohorts at their respective unis. According to HESA data nearly 9,000 computer science students come from overseas.
A diverse cohort means you'll be exposed to different cultures and potentially finish uni with an international network of contacts to utilise later in life. 

6. Year Abroad Opportunities

Computers have gone global, and it would be silly for Computer Science education providers to not reflect this fact. Check the opportunities for overseas study on the courses that interest you. A year abroad will provide you with a deeper understanding of how computers are used around the world, allowing you to experience other cultures, and gain some language skills in the process.

happy converting